King’s Centre for Strategic Communication King’s College London
Associate and Expert Adviser on Images and Conflict
“Led by internationally renowned experts from the Department of War Studies and partners from the policy and practitioner communities, the King’s Centre for Strategic Communications provides practical solutions to contemporary communication challenges rooted in cutting-edge academic research.”
The newly-formed KIng’s Centre for Strategic Communications aims to be the world’s leading centre of expertise on strategic communications. Partners include The NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence, The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague, and the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office.
The invitation to join King’s Centre for Strategic Communications in 2017 as an Associate Fellow emerged from my work on art, terrorism and the image wars. I provide expertise on the role of images in today’s dynamic information environments.
I was invited to contribute an article to the NATO journal of Strategic Communication affiliated with the Centre, on graffiti, civic agency and crisis politics in Athens.
I also organised a symposium for King’s Department of War Studies, bringing academics into dialogue with artists featured in Traces of War, an exhibition at Somerset House.
Recently I’ve participated in an initiative at King’s to articulate a new area of research at the nexus of International Relations, Conflict Studies and Art History.